Barry is a dark comedy drama series from creators Alec Berg and Bill Hader, and serves as Hader’s directorial debut. When the idea for the series was presented, Berg thought that a show about a hitman wouldn't be well-received or funny Hader asked "well, what if the hitman was me?". With the 3rd season set to release and a 4th seemingly on the horizon, it seem that was the right decision.
Disillusioned at the thought of taking down another "mark," depressed, low-level hit man Barry Berkman seeks a way out. When the Midwesterner reluctantly travels to Los Angeles to execute a hit on an actor who is bedding a mobster's wife, little does Barry know that the City of Angels may be his sanctuary.
The series stars Bill Hader, Stephen Root, Henry Winkler, Sarah Goldberg, and Anthony Carrigan.
Fun fact about the series, former Happy Days star Henry Winkler showed up to audition for the show even though Bill Hader and Alec Berg have stated that they would have just offered him the role regardless. Winkler insisted that he audition like everyone else.
Barry: Season 3 is set to debut on April 24th, only on HBO. Watch the official trailer below.