Better Call Saul is a crime drama television series created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould. It is a spin-off, prequel, and a sequel to Gilligan's previous series, Breaking Bad. Set primarily in the early to middle part of the 2000s in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the series develops Jimmy McGill (Bob Odenkirk), an earnest lawyer and former con artist, into an egocentric criminal defense attorney known as Saul Goodman.
Also shown is the moral decline of retired police officer Mike Ehrmantraut (Jonathan Banks), who becomes closely affiliated with the Juarez drug cartel to support his granddaughter and her widowed mother. Jimmy and Mike's interactions remain sporadic until their respective storylines fully converge. The show premiered on AMC on February 8th, 2015, airing five seasons to date.
Other cast members include Rhea Seehorn, Patrick Fabian, Michael Mando, Giancarlo Esposito, Michael McKean, Tony Dalton, Kerry Condon, Mark Margolis, and Jeremiah Bitsui.
The sixth and final season of Better Call Saul, consisting of 13 episodes, is set to premiere on April 18th on AMC. Watch the official trailer below.