CLEANER is a 2025 action drama thriller film directed by Martin Campbell, from a screenplay by Matthew Orton, Simon Uttley, and Paul Andrew Williams. Campbell is no stranger to the genre as he previously directed several huge films including GoldenEye, Casino Royale, and Edge of Darkness, just to name a few.
Criminal activists hijack a gala, taking 300 hostages. One extremist plans mass murder as a message to the world. An Ex-soldier (Daisy Ridley) turned window cleaner now works to rescue the hostages.
The cast includes Daisy Ridley, Clive Owen, Taz Skylar, Flavia Watson, Ray Fearon, Rufus Jones, Richard Hope, and Lee Boardman.
CLEANER is set to debut in theaters February 21st, courtesy of Quiver Distribution. Watch the official trailer below.