Merry Little Batman is a 2023 American animated superhero film directed by Mike Roth, and written by Morgan Evans and Jase Ricci, from a story by Evans and Roth, based on DC Comics featuring the characters Batman and Damian Wayne. The film stars the voices of Yonas Kibreab, Luke Wilson, James Cromwell, and David Hornsby.
This Christmas, Damian Wayne wants to be a superhero like his dad – the one and only Batman. When Damian is left home alone while Batman takes on Gotham’s worst supervillains on Christmas Eve, he stumbles upon a villainous plot to steal Christmas and leaps at the chance to save the day.
The film was released on December 8, 2023, on Amazon Prime Video. A TV series based on the film, titled Bat-Family, is in development. Watch the official trailer below.