Migration is an upcoming American computer-animated adventure comedy film directed by Benjamin Renner, co-directed by Guylo Homsy, and written by Mike White (creator of The White Lotus). Produced by Illumination and distributed by Universal Pictures, the film features the voices of Kumail Nanjiani, Elizabeth Banks, Awkwafina, Keegan-Michael Key, David Mitchell, Carol Kane, Casper Jennings, Tresi Gazal, and Danny DeVito. The story follows a family of mallards who try to convince their overprotective father to go on a vacation of a lifetime and attempt to migrate from New England, through New York City, and to Jamaica.
Illumination announced Migration in February 2022, with Renner, Homsy, and White attached as director, co-director, and writer, respectively. Renner, who had previously helmed traditionally animated films, was tasked with adapting his simple drawing style for a computer-animated film. In hiring Renner, studio head and producer Chris Meledandri sought to focus on a filmmaker's vision for the project in comparison with Illumination's recent films. John Powell will compose the score, marking his second collaboration with Illumination following The Lorax (2012).
Migration is scheduled to be theatrically released in the United States on December 22, 2023. Watch the official trailer below.