Orphan: First Kill (originally titled Ester) is a 2022 psychological horror film directed by William Brent Bell, from a screenplay by David Coggeshall, and a story by exec. producer David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick and producer Alex Mace (who wrote the screenplay and story for the previous film). The film is a prequel to the 2009 film Orphan and stars Isabelle Fuhrman reprising her role from the previous film, with Julia Stiles, Rossif Sutherland, and Matthew Finlan also starring.
The film is a prequel to the 2009 film Orphan and stars Isabelle Fuhrman reprising her role from the previous film, with Julia Stiles, Rossif Sutherland, and Matthew Finlan also starring.
Orphan: First Kill is set to debut on the Paramount+ streaming service while also hitting select theaters on August 19th. Watch the official trailer below.