REACHER is a crime thriller series developed by Nick Santora, and produced by Amazon. The series is based on the Jack Reacher book series from author Lee Child. The series made its debut February 4th, 2022, on Prime Video. Amazon Studios, Skydance Television and Paramount Television Studios produce the series. Showrunner Nick Santora executive produces with Child, Don Granger, Scott Sullivan and Adam Higgs, along with Skydance’s David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Matt Thunell.
In the 3rd season of the hit series, which is based on Lee Child's novel Persuader, Reacher (Alan Ritchson) hurtles into the dark heart of a vast criminal enterprise when trying to rescue an undercover DEA informant whose time is running out. There, he finds a world of secrecy and violence and confronts some unfinished business from his own past.
REACHER: SEASON 3 is set to debut February 20th on Prime Video. Watch the official trailer below.