Resident Evil is a 2022 action horror streaming television series developed by Andrew Dabb, based on the video game series of the same name by Capcom. It is the second television adaptation of the franchise after the animated miniseries Infinite Darkness, and the ninth live-action adaptation after the film series of the same name. The series does take place in its own original universe but does center on the storyline of the games.
Fourteen years after a deadly virus caused a global apocalypse, Jade Wesker fights for survival in a world overrun by infected creatures while being haunted by her past, her father, and what happened to her sister, Billie.
The cast includes Ella Balinska, Paola Nuñez, Lance Reddick, Siena Agudong, and Connor Gosatti.
Resident Evil is set to debut on Netflix July 14th. Watch the official trailer below.