THE NIGHT AGENT is a action thriller series created by Shawn Ryan based on the novel of the same name by Matthew Quirk. The first season, which premiered in March 2023, became the third-most-viewed debuting series on Netflix in its first four days, and within a week it was renewed for a second season.
While monitoring an emergency line, an FBI agent answers a call that plunges him into a deadly conspiracy involving a mole at the White House.
The cast includes Gabriel Basso, Luciane Buchanan, Fola Evans-Akingbola, Sarah Desjardins, Eve Harlow, Phoenix Raei, Enrique Murciano, D. B. Woodside, Hong Chau, Arienne Mandi, Louis Herthum, Berto Colon, Keon Alexander, Michael Malarkey, and Amanda Warren.
THE NIGHT AGENT: SEASON 2 is set to debut January 23rd on Netflix. Watch the official trailer below.