Director Peter Berg
Genre Drama | History | Thriller
Cast Mark Wahlberg, John Goodman, Michelle Monaghan, J.K. Simmons
Rating R
Release Date January 13th, 2017
“An account of Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis’s actions in the events leading up to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the aftermath, which includes the city-wide manhunt to find the terrorists behind it.”
Patriots Day is the film portrayal of the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings. It is directed and co-written by Peter Berg, the man who brought us Deepwater Horizon, Lone Survivor, and The Kingdom, to name a few. The film stars Mark Wahlberg, John Goodman, Michelle Monaghan, and J.K. Simmons. A great deal of controversy erupted after the initial announcement that the film was in development, with many saying Hollywood was just trying to cash in on a tragedy less than 4 years after it occurred. I watched an interview with Mark Wahlberg, a Boston, Massachusetts native, who stated he initially turned down an offer to star in the film. He was then told the film was going to be made whether he was involved or not, and he changed his mind thinking that at the very least his involvement could hold him accountable to do right by the city of Boston. And that is what he intended to do.
Patriots Day reminds us that in the face of pure hatred and terror, Boston Strong became the identity of a city that refused to be terrorized. This film is far from an attempt to sugarcoat the events that took place in April 2013, and in no way should it have been. The city of Boston was dealt a serious blow and what came to the forefront was the city’s ability to persevere, to not only take down these terrorists at all costs, but more importantly to not allow them to dictate the future. I watched the Boston Marathon Bombing HBO documentary which was heartbreaking, graphic, and also inspirational, and Patriots Day embodies a similar feel of a city that comes together and it really is special. I have friends who frequently attend the Boston Marathon, one of which who has actually run in it, and that was a very scary day for each and every person not only in this region, but in this country. Everyone involved was under a microscope from the very beginning and faced a great deal of public scrutiny, and I must say I commend them on their efforts. Not only did they put together a tasteful portrayal of that traumatic day, everyone who worked on the film put forth a valiant effort to honor the victims of this tragedy.
Patriots Day was perfectly casted from top to bottom. My favorite actor in the film was easily Mark Wahlberg, and it just so happens he is one of my favorite actors in general. As a Boston native (Dorchester, Massachusetts to be exact), Wahlberg easily faced the most pressure out of anyone involved with this film. The city of Boston had high expectations and deep down they knew he would do right by the film, and he did. Although he played a character that was actually a combination of two police officers, the first responder as well as an officer who knew the area inside out and was very helpful to the FBI during the investigation. His presence on screen was authentic and genuine, displaying true fear and raw emotion after that first blast near the finish line. The supporting cast was fantastic as well, right down the line from John Goodman, Michelle Monaghan, J.K. Simmons, Kevin Bacon, and a surprisingly impressive performance from Jimmy O. Yang, who plays the quiet yet hilarious Jian Yang in HBO’s Silicon Valley. He played the role of Dun “Danny” Meng, the Chinese national who had his SUV stolen and was taken hostage by the bombers in Cambridge, Massachusetts, before bravely escaping at a gas station.
Patriots Day shouldn’t be viewed as a painful way to relive that fateful day. It should be viewed as a way to remember a city that came together and became one. Retired Boston Redsox slugger Big Papi said it best when he shouted in front of a stadium full of Boston faithful, “This is our fu**ing city!” Boston natives are known for their attitude and strong will, which was put to the test on April 15th, 2013, when two terrorists set off bombs near the marathons finish line. Patriots Day is intensely engaging, well-acted, and thoroughly entertaining, but most importantly it reminds us that Boston will always persevere no matter what. The Patriots Day Boston Marathon will live on as a celebrated event held on a special day for the entire city, and if anything, it means even more now than it did 4 years ago. Highly recommended.