Director Shane Black
Genre Crime | Mystery | Thriller
Cast Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe, Matt Bomer, Kim Basinger
Rating R
Release Date May 20th, 2016
“A mismatched pair of private eyes investigate the apparent suicide of a fading porn star in 1970s Los Angeles.”
The Nice Guys is directed and written by Shane Black who has quite the impressive resume. In 1987, when he was 26 years old he wrote the screenplay for a buddy cop action comedy entitled Lethal Weapon, starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. You may have heard of it. He also wrote and directed Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and Iron Man 3, both starring Robert Downey Jr. He is responsible for a number of other high quality screenplays, but the point is the guy has talent, that is undeniable. His newest film The Nice Guys stars Hollywood megastars Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe, as well as Matt Bomer, Kim Basinger, and Angourie Rice.
The Nice Guys is as infectiously entertaining as it is polarizing, delivering epic performances from two of Hollywood’s leading men. You can easily tell this is a Shane Black screenplay as his personal touch is felt throughout. He understands what it takes to make a successful buddy comedy packed with action, heart, and humor (in no particular order). Even though The Nice Guys warrants the R-rating, the humor is smart and consistent and never at risk of wearing out its welcome. The events take place in the late 1970’s, yet it still has the feel of a fresh and unique take on a tried and true formula. The Nice Guys might not have you laughing out loud every two seconds, although you will plenty believe me, but it will do you one better and put a smile on your face that will last the entire two hours. This is the rare circumstance where I actually would have preferred a longer film just to watch these guys in action a little longer.
The acting in The Nice Guys is top notch all the way around, finding a weak point would be like trying to find a blemish on a model after 10 hours of make-up and wardrobe. The chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe is absolutely incredible. Each and every single scene these two amazing actors had together were as smooth as butter and felt effortless, almost like they know something every other acting duo wish they knew. I also have to point out that Ryan Goslings facial impressions throughout the film are absolutely priceless. I barely recognized Matt Bomer (White Collar, Magic Mike) as he played a very unfamiliar role. Veteran actor Keith David (Dead Presidents, Crash) also deserves some kudos for his performance even though he is credited on IMDb simply as “older guy.” David has an incredible 260 credits on his IMDb acting resume, ranging from movies, T.V., to video games. That is unreal. I also really enjoyed Angourie Rice in her role as Holland March’s (Ryan Gosling) daughter. She was very convincing as a young teenage girl who was often the mature one of the group.
The Nice Guys is Lethal Weapon for a new generation, and I for one welcome it with open arms. It was everything I hoped it would be; well written, expertly acted, hilarious, fun, and genuine. It is a full serving of Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe at their best, and who doesn’t want that? The Nice Guys aims to please and it does that and then some, so get off your ass and go see it. You will NOT be disappointed.