SEVERANCE is a psychological thriller television series created by Dan Erickson, and directed by Ben Stiller and Aoife McArdle. The series made its debut in February 2022 on Apple TV+. The series is Severance is executive produced by Ben Stiller, who also directs five episodes this season.
Mark Scout (Adam Scott) leads a team at Lumon Industries, whose employees have undergone a severance procedure, which surgically divides their memories between their work and personal lives. This daring experiment in “work-life balance” is called into question as Mark finds himself at the center of an unraveling mystery that will force him to confront the true nature of his work… and of himself.
In season two, Mark and his friends learn the dire consequences of trifling with the severance barrier, leading them further down a path of woe.
The cast includes Adam Scott, Britt Lower, Tramell Tillman, Zach Cherry, Jen Tullock, Michael Chernus, Dichen Lachman, Emmy Award winner John Turturro, Academy Award winner Christopher Walken and Academy and Emmy Award winner Patricia Arquette, and welcomes new series regular Sarah Bock.
SEVERANCE: SEASON 2 arrives January 17th on Apple TV+. Watch the official trailer below.