MAGAZINE DREAMS is a 2023 drama film written and directed by Elijah Bynum. The film premiered at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival where it was an Official Jury Selection. It was originally scheduled to release December 8th, 2023, from Searchlight Pictures, but it was shelved due to the SAG-AFTRA strike and the assault allegations against star Jonathan Majors. Searchlight eventually returned the rights for the film to the filmmakers who remarketed and sold to Briarcliff Entertainment for distribution.
Killian Maddox (Jonathan Majors) is consumed by his dream of becoming a world famous bodybuilder and one day gracing the cover of fitness magazines. He lives a lonely, regimented life, and his relentless drive for perfection only pushes him deeper towards self destruction, but beneath his tenacious pursuit of superstardom lies a desperate, aching need for human connection.
The cast includes Jonathan Majors, Haley Bennett, Taylour Paige, Mike O'Hearn, Harrison Page, and Harriet Sansom Harris.
MAGAZINE DREAMS arrives in theaters March 21st, courtesy of Briarcliff Entertainment. Watch the official trailer below.