Director Dan Trachtenberg
Genre Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi
Cast Mary Elizabeth Winstead, John Goodman, John Gallagher, Jr.
Rating PG-13
Release Date March 11th, 2016
“Waking up from a car accident, a young woman finds herself in the basement of a man who says he’s saved her life from a chemical attack that has left the outside uninhabitable.”
10 Cloverfield Lane is the directorial debut for Dan Trachenberg, who is the co-host of the weekly internet broadcast The Totally Rad Show, whatever the heck that is. The script for the film was originally entitled The Cellar, but it was tweaked and Cloverfield was eventually added pre-marketing. Interestingly, the film was created in secret and was officially announced only 2 months prior to release, with a debut trailer shown at theater screenings for 13 Hours (which was my first glimpse at the trailer). Producer J.J. Abrams did confirm that the film is not a Cloverfield sequel but did not deny a connection to the 2008 film. 10 Cloverfield Lane stars Mary Elizabeth Winstead , John Goodman, and John Gallagher Jr.
Simply put, 10 Cloverfield Lane is a masterful film that focuses entirely on what makes a movie great; a well-written script, top notch acting, and to my surprise some very impressive directing. You will find yourself sucked in right from the beginning and you will be on the edge of your seat throughout. 10 Cloverfield Lane is the epitome of a character-driven film and things become so tense and unpredictable that you will do your best to save the bathroom break for after the movie. Trust me. My biggest issue with the film is the ending, or last 10 minutes I guess I should say, and it boggles my mind because it felt unnecessary. Whether the ending was climactic, anti-climactic, or a mystery altogether, it could have been executed a thousand different ways. I won’t give anything away (because I am not a huge jerk) but I will say that the ending felt forced in order to justify having Cloverfield in the title.
As a white-knuckle thriller in a very claustrophobic environment that puts a microscope on the cast, chemistry is of the utmost importance. The chemistry between the three leads in 10 Cloverfield Lane is some of the best I have ever seen. If you are expecting to see late 80’s/early 90’s Roseanne John Goodman, well let me just say you are in for a traumatizing surprise. Goodman is beyond creepy in his role as conspiracy theorist Howard, and he manages to portray a unique and highly unpredictable individual with some very dark secrets. I will be honest and say that I am not all that familiar with Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s work even though she has quite the resume. She really shines here and I hope to see more from her. John Gallagher Jr. plays the perfect supporting role and provides an important balance between the clashing of the other two characters.
Whether or not changing the name was a marketing ploy or a cash-grab attempt, 10 Cloverfield Lane was a true pleasure to experience and will serve as quite the notch in the belt of director Dan Trachenberg. Regrettably, the final act was disappointing to say the least but the film’s ability to hold up considering that is impressive. Do yourself a favor and see 10 Cloverfield Lane soon because it is only a matter of time before someone spills the details and ruins it for you.