Director Byron Howard, Rich Moore, Jared Bush
Genre Animation | Action | Adventure
Cast Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Shakira
Rating PG
Release Date March 4th, 2016
“In a city of anthropomorphic animals, a fugitive con artist fox and a rookie bunny cop must work together to uncover a conspiracy.”
Disney’s newest animated entry is directed by Byron Howard (Tangled, Bolt), Rich Moore (Wreck-It Ralph), and Jared Bush (Big Hero 6). The ultra-talented cast of voice actors consists of Ginnifer Goodwin, Jason Bateman, Idris Elba, Nate Torrence, J.K. Simmons, and Shakira, to name a few. Zootopia is Disney’s 6th animated feature film to include no human characters
As a grown man without any kids that enjoys animated films (it sounds a little weird saying it out loud), I was actually genuinely excited to see Zootopia and I had considerably high expectations. Zootopia was so much fun that I left the theater feeling like a kid again. The animations were incredible, the story was well-written and touching, the humor was relentless, and the overall creativity of the film was a genuine pleasure to experience. Watching the animals interact like human beings is a joy to see for kids and adults alike, but the story which is about perseverance and the ability to defy expectations no matter what should really resonate with the older audience.
Zootopia is full of fun little creative surprises like an iPhone with a carrot on the back instead of an apple, or the fact that in a busy city square all of the animals are walking around with their faces glued to their phones just as people do in this day and age. Sad but true. Let’s be honest, I’m pretty sure we can all relate to the idea of sloths at the DMV because that folks, is real-life. The cast did a fantastic job and I enjoyed Ginnifer Goodwin in her lead role as the voice of bunny Judy Hopps. She was the perfect fit. I must admit that my favorite character was the scheming fox, Nick Wilde (voiced by Jason Bateman), as his smooth talking and back and forth banter with Judy was infectious. I read that originally the film was to focus on Nick Wilde and his character, but after receiving test audience feedback the studio decided to adjust to script to make Judy the main character. I think it would have been a hit either way!
Zootopia is an absolute must-see for fans of Disney movies or fans of animated films in general. It is by far the most fun and creative animated entry since Inside Out, which I thought was fantastic. With the viewer market the way it is today the success of a film like Zootopia depends on the adult audiences almost as much as it does on the kids. Luckily, Zootopia appeals flawlessly to all age groups and is a true joy to experience. Do yourself a favor and see this one right away because you will hear plenty more about Zootopia come awards season.