Reservation Dogs is a comedy television series that premiered in 2021, created by comedic genius Taika Waititi and Sterlin Harjo. Waititi’s reputation speaks for itself, and Harjo is native of Holdenville, Oklahoma, known for films based in his home state and focusing on the Native American population.
Following the exploits of four Indigenous teenagers in rural Oklahoma who steal, rob and save in order to get to the exotic, mysterious and faraway land of California. To succeed, they will have to save enough money, outmaneuver the methheads at the junkyard on the edge of town and survive a turf war against a much tougher rival gang.
The series stars Devery Jacobs, D'Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, Lane Factor, Paulina Alexis, and Zahn McClarnon.
Reservation Dogs: Season 2 is set to debut on Hulu August 3rd. Watch the official trailer below.