Justified: City Primeval is a 2023 crime drama series developed by showrunners Dave Andron and Michael Dinner. The series continues the story from the hit FX series Justified, with the continuation of the story inspired by the Elmore Leonard novel City Primeval: High Noon in Detroit. The primary change from the novel is Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant), the star of the original Justified series, is made to be the lead character in the story.
Raylan Givens left the hollers of Kentucky and is balancing life as a U.S. Marshal with being a part-time father. A chance encounter sends him to Detroit and on a collision course with a violent sociopath and a formidable defense attorney.
The cast includes Timothy Olyphant, Aunjanue Ellis, Boyd Holbrook, Vivian Olyphant, Adelaide Clemens, Marin Ireland, Victor Williams, and Vondie Curtis-Hall.
Justified: City Primeval premieres July 18th on FX, streaming the next day on Hulu. Watch the official trailer below.