I think we can all agree on the fact that Jason Voorhees is a crazy mofo hell bent on avenging his mother’s death (coincidentally, she was a crazy ass bi*** hell bent on revenge as well, must run in the family).
So, when a dude who looks like a professional wrestler starts walking towards you wearing a hockey mask and equipped with a tool belt which seemingly only holds an extra sharp machete, it’s probably time to get the hell out of dodge. Or if you are a young and horny camp counselor you may mistake such a situation as a good time to skinny dip, have sex, smoke weed (sometimes all of these at the same time), or perhaps just start running and falling down over and over again until the last stupid decision helps Jason make you dead. And believe me, it will happen.
Now that we have introductions out of the way, take a look below at clips of what we consider to be the 13 Most Brutal Kills in the Friday the 13th franchise. With some interesting insight along the way of course.
Toilet Kill - Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
My man here is the symbol of cool back in 1985, from the hair, to the jacket, to whatever the hell he is wearing for earrings, he was lookin’ good and definitely feelin’ good too. Now of course Jason had to come along and just do him DIRTY while he is of all places, on the toilet in a damn grimy ass steel outdoor “crap room” that isn’t even portable. He didn’t even have a chance to wipe!